Taiwan’s Top Scoliosis Clinic

Dr. Shiuan-Yu Tseng

  • Doctor degree of medicine in Institute of Medicine of CSMU
  • Former therapist of Taichung assistive technology resource center
  • Data analysis of scoliosis 3D scanning
  • Analysis of scoliosis body balancing
  • Analysis of scoliosis cardiopulmonary function



  My motto toward medical research is, to make every scoliosis patient accessible to full clinical effective treatment. We always encourage ourselves to work harder and harder. Evidence-based medicine and clinical treatment are both important and irreplaceable. Papers and dissertations are being published every other day. It is not easy to make UprightCome an evidence-based clinic. We need to read and research to keep up with the most recent knowledge and up-to-date healthcare quality.  
  To make our technique precise and steady and to make the result more reliable, UprightCome brought in 3D scanners, balance system analyzers, breath analyzers, and lots of innovative medical devices. UprightCome hopes to connect medical technique, medical research, and patient need, which benefits patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis from surgery.